Prayer keeps me sane....

(Ancient Egyptian Goddess Ma'at)

Yeah I know what you're thinking, why would an escort pray, let alone think God hears her prayers. Thank God my relationship with the higher power is so rock solid that not only does she hear my prayers, she answer's them 99% of the time. I must admit, I am one lucky girl, or shall I say blessed girl. My life has been so marvelous in spite of the whole religious movement telling me that what I do for a living is an abomination and a sin.

I must admit that I do go to church faithfully only because it's a ritual that allows me to give thanks to my higher power collectively, which I feel is a female deity. Now I'm not going to go into detail about female deities or unconventional idea's of Gods, but I've done enough Theology research to understand the importance of having both male and female Gods for Ying and Yang...balance.

I never pray to my Goddess for anything tangible, instead I pray that she allows me the wisdom to make good decisions and protect me, and so far, she comes through 99% of the time. Her methods of blessing me are so unconventional, that even the smallest blessing makes me joyful.

Now I can go on for days about the countless ancient sex deities, which I wrote about a few years back. But I firmly believe that there are multiple Gods for everything, even sex.

But I'm not going to sit here and rationalize my beliefs because that takes away form the mystique. Gods and Goddesses are FAR beyond our comprehension, they have to be. Look at the planets, stars, and galaxies. Those things were created by something FAR beyond our intelligence and comprehension. And when the Gods and Goddesses decide to shake us off this wonderful planet and life as we know it is long gone, those supernatural deities will still be around creating and manipulating the cosmos.

Read about Ma'at! If more people followed this Deity instead of following Jesus, the world today would be a Utopia!


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