Good Photographers in my area...

I really don’t think I made any business endorsements in quite a while, so here are a few. If you are in the St. Louis area and want some great photographers who specialize in Boudoir, nudes, and escort photographs, I highly recommend these talented souls!

1st on my list is Mike McCarty Photography. Mike has been a WONDERFUL, FABULOUS client of mine for at least 3 years, and he’s also taken some fabulous pictures for my website. Mike is extremely professional and soft spoken so he’ll put you immediately at ease. Visit his website for details.

2nd on my list is Charlie, who was also an amazing escort turned FABULOUS Photographer. This girl is very talented and has done photos for some of the more popular girls in my area. She’s good! Check out her website.

3rd photographer is new to me, but I’ve seen a lot of his work and I’m really impressed. He’s done some escort photographs, but specializes in swimsuit models and hip hop video vixen types, but his work is on point.

So if you need new pictures, call them, and stop taking your own with those cheap ass Cricket Phones. LOL



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