Black chick on Obama's Dick

Ok, I haven’t elaborated much on our presidential candidate Barack Obama since this is not a political blog. I hate talking about that shit because I am a TRUE independent and my views often straddle the fence and may offend people. Although I’m a true Democrat at heart, I don’t believe in giving out welfare and food stamps to young people, while the rest of America work their asses off to provide. I’m a “Take care of your own shit” kinda girl, and will always be that way. So if you’re a food stamp collecting, Welfare recipient mother who is able to work…SHAME ON YOU!

I recently did some research on Republican politics and point of views just to make sure I understood them correctly, and not just assume that they are a bunch of racist, money hungry pigs wanting an elitist white society. So I decided to erase the people out of the equation and just looked at the policies and views, and this is what I’ve learned:

Please correct me if I’m wrong….

A Republic: A political order in which the supreme power lies in a body of citizens who are entitled to vote for officers and representatives responsible to them, a nation that has such a political order.

Translated for the dummies: A Republic means letting a group of “big wigs” decide the laws and policies for the country and not the people.

Ok, why the hell would anyone want that?

I think that most people who vote Republican usually do so based on the community that they live in or their family upbringing. I think affluent people believe that wealth and Republican politics go hand in hand. Why would I give up my right to power and decision making? All societies should be a democracy, where the people, community, and citizens decide what’s best for them.

The one positive thing I can say about a Republic society is their “Fair Act Policies” where everyone gets a fair trial. It’s this policy that saved a lot of Slaves from being executed by rebel racists during the Civil war. In this case, a democratic society in slavery days would have meant the death of a LOT of slaves. Can you imagine leaving the final judgment in the hands of the racist people, citizens, and communities back in Slavery times? Good Lord!

Unfortunately it’s not the same republic in 2008 as it was in 1860. Believe it or not, the Republicans back then were on black folk's side, they were the Yankees that helped freed us!

Thank you Northern Yankees……


  1. I couldn't agree with you more. If we go out and work our asses off, there shouldn't be a free ride for those who got pregnant at 13 years old and kept getting pregnant every year thereafter. In some cases, I believe in helping the poor, but the fraud I see in our system makes me wanna say dump the whole thing and start fresh.

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