Hookers and Secret Service Men! One Big Dysfunctional Family
We All know that Prostitutes and Politics go Hand in Hand....
I was asked by one of my readers to do a commentary on my feelings about the Prostitution scandal with the Secret Service men Down in
Most accurate version I heard was….
The price was $60.00 US for the High Priced Escorts, and
the Secret Service guy got the bright idea of paying $30.00 each, instead of
$120.00 for the two.
But what ultimately fucked these guys up was
the hotel employee noticed the Escort's ID was still at the front desk at 7
a.m., which is a violation of the hotel policy on overnight guests. The manager
went to the agent’s room where the woman had spent the night and saw the two
inside arguing. The Escort said that the agent owed her money, but he said that
he didn’t have to pay her. And since prostitution is a legal business in that particular part of Colombia, his actions becomes theft.
He eventually forked over the money and the situation was
resolved. But the cops were called and they filed a report, which was sent to
the US Embassy.
Prostitution is legal in much of Colombia inside “tolerance zones”
controlled by police. The going rate for hookers in Cartagena is around $47.00, according to
Colombian TV.
So in the end, these men were brought down by a cheap
asshole who didn’t want to pay the escort’s already incredibly low $47.00-$60.00
That sounds pretty accurate to me!
That sounds pretty accurate to me!
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