
Showing posts from October, 2008

Happy Halloween and a bunch of THANK YOUS

Keeping your mouth shut about Hooking is IMPERATIVE

Birthday week Exxxtravaganza.....

Reader feedback and a bunch of I LOVE you's.....

Black chick on Obama's Dick

Weekend Recap-The fabulous Life of Erika

Blessings and Contentment..even after my car was broken into!

The Busyness know as MY LIFE.....

Prostitution Vs. The Church

Prostitution has not suffered drop-off despite economic meltdown

Proud to be an American...NOT

Does Escorting raise the crime rate?

This commercial is my Crack Addiction

The Great Rate Debate......

I just don't remeber you......

The Red light District of New Orleans (Storyville) circa 1895-1920