Worshiping Ancient sex Gods, Goddesses, and Deities
I've always wondered when and why sex became this "nasty" word. Who came up with the idea that sex is to be shared with one person for the rest of your life, till the day you die. Who thought of this ridiculous idea? Let me guess- The Gentile religion? BINGO
The gentile religion has told its followers for ages that sex is wrong and evil, if it's not meant to reproduce, and that they'll burn in the fiery depths of hell and destruction. Hell, they even made Jesus into this sort of asexual man that had no interest in women, marriage, or reproducing. All he seemed interested in was his entourage of burly sweaty men following him around to spread his asexual and repressive religious message. Now don't get me wrong, I'm not here to Jesus bash or make you feel uncomfortable with my anti-religious rants. I'm just amazed at how the Gentile religion has systematically made us feel guilty about an emotion that is supposedly "God" given.
In other ancient religions that pre-date Christianity THOUSANDS of years, there were Gods and Goddesses that were worshiped and revered for their sexuality and sensuality. Gods and goddesses that had shrines and temples built in their honor.
There were Gods and goddesses that cured depression, loneliness, Haphephobia (The fear of being touched), and anxiety through sexual practices, techniques, movements, and Kundalini Energy. There were Goddesses that brought down entire empires and defeated armies with sex and seduction. Hell, even the mad Monk Rasputin was history making in this sexual exploits with the Romanov women, which ultimately brought down an entire family. Ok, maybe I'm giving you negative examples, but still- sex played a HUGE part in these History making moments!
Let's not forget about Aphrodite, the goddess of love, beauty and sexual rapture!
In honor of the great Ancient Gods and goddesses of sex and sexuality, I say:
Goddesses and Gods Love and Sexuality
By Temple of Love
There are countless deities associated with love and/or sexuality in every culture throughout history, here are some!
Name: Origin/ Attribute
Achtland Celtic goddess Wanton love
Aedos Roman goddess Modesty
Aeval Celtic goddess Sexual relations/Small size
Aidin Celtic goddess Love/Sexuality
Aine Irish goddess Fertility/Love
'Aisha Qandisha Morocco goddess Sexual activity
Ala Nigerian goddess Fertility/Morality
Alalahe Polynesian goddess Love
Al-Lat Arabic goddess Fertility/Procreation
AlpanAlpan Etruscan goddess Love
Ame-No-Uzume Japanese goddess Fertility
Amon Egyptian god Fertility
Amor Roman god Love
Anahita Persian goddess Fertility/Semen
Anath Canaanite goddess Love
Angus Og Irish god Love
Annallja Tu Bari Sudanese goddess Sexuality
Anna Perenna Etruscan goddess Reproduction/Wanton/Love
Anteros Greek god Love/Passion
Antheia Greek goddess Love, Flowers
Aphrodite Greek goddess Fertility/Sexual love/Beauty
Apis Egyptian god Fertility
Arianrhod Welsh goddess Fertility/Wanton love
Artemis Greek goddess Chastity/Virginity/Fertility
Asase Yaa Ashanti goddess Fertility
Asherali Canaanite goddess Fertility
Ashtoreth Phoenician goddess Fertility
Ashur Assyrian god Fertility
Astarte Phoenician goddess Fertility/Love/Sacred sexuality/Sex
Astlik Armenian goddess Love, Fertility
Astraea Greek goddess Modesty
Astrild Norse goddess Love
Athtart Canaanite goddess Fertility
Auseklis Latvian goddess Love
Baal Syrian/Canaanite god Fertility
Backlum Chaam Mayan god Male sexuality/Sex
Bangan Philippine goddess Love
Bastet Egyptian goddess Fertility/Love/Sex
Bau Sumerian goddess Fertility
Benten Japanese goddess Love
Bes Egyptian god Love/Marriage
Bidhgoe Celtic goddess Love/Sexuality
Bintang Borneo goddess Love
Boann Irish goddess Fertility
Brag-srin-mo Tibetan goddess Fertility
Brangwaine Welsh goddess Love
Branwen Irish goddess Love
Brigit Irish goddess Fertility
Ca-the-na Mohave goddess Love
Ceres Roman goddess Fertility
Cernunnos Celtic god Fertility
Cerridwen Celtic goddess Fertility
Chac Mayan god Fertility
Chalchiuhtlicue Aztec goddess Love/Beauty
Chicomecoatl Aztec goddess Fertility
Chou Wang Chinese god Sodomy
Cinteotl Aztec god Fertility
Conchenn Celtic goddess Love
Cotys Thracian goddess Fertility
Cupid Roman god Love
Cythera Greek/Cyprian goddess Love
Demeter Greek goddess Fertility
Diana Roman goddess Chastity/Virginity/Fertility
Dumuzi Babylonian god Fertility
Dzydzilelya Polish goddess Love
El Canaanite god Fertility
Enki Sumerian god Fertility
Eros Greek god Erotic love/Passion/Sex
Erzulie Voodoo goddess Fertility/Love/Virginity/Beauty/Sex
Eueucoyotl Aztec god Fertility/Sex
Ezili Fon goddess Beauty/Love
Faumea Polynesian goddess Fertility
Faunus Roman god Fertility
Finncaev Irish goddess Fair love
Flora Roman goddess Love/Prostitution
Frey Scandinavian god Fertility
Freya Germanic goddess Fertility/Love/Beauty/Sex
Freyr Norse goddess Fertility
Frigg Germanic goddess Fertility/Marriage
Gefjon Germanic goddess Fertility
Gekka-O Japanese god Marriage
Ghede Voodoo god Fertility/Love
Hathor Egyptian goddess Fertility/Love/Marriage/Beauty
Haumea Hawaiian goddess Fertility
Havea lolo fonua Polynesian goddess Intercourse
Hebe Greek goddess Beauty
Hecate Greek goddess Fertility
Hera Greek goddess Marriage/Motherhood
Hestia Greek goddess Marriage
Hina Hawaiian goddess Fertility
Hora Roman goddess Beauty
Hsi Shih Chinese goddess Face cream
Hymen Greek/Roman god Marriage/First love
Ichpuchtli Aztec goddess Lust/Pleasure
Inanna Mesopotamian goddess Fertility/Love
Indra Vedic god Fertility
Inemes Micronesian goddess Love/Sexuality
Ishkhara Babylonian goddess Love, Priestess of Ishtar
Ishtar Assyrian goddess Fertility/Love/Sex
Isis Egyptian goddess Fertility/Marital/Devotion/Motherhood
Ix Chel Mayan goddess Sexual relations
Juno Roman goddess Marriage/Motherhood
Kama Hindu god Love
Kane Hawaiian god Fertility
Kanikanihia Hawaiian goddess Love
Kapo Hawaiian goddess Abortions/Fertility
Ken Egyptian goddess Love
Khem Egyptian god Fertility
Kilya Inca goddess Marriage
Kishi-Mojin Japanese goddess Motherhood
Kokopell'Mana Hopi goddess Fertility
Korawini?i Paiute goddess Intercourse
Kupalo Slavic goddess Fertility/Sex
Kurukulla Tibetan goddess Love, Wealth
Lada Slavic goddess Love
Lakshmi Hindu goddess Love/Beauty
Lempo Finnish god Frenzied love
Liber Italian god Fertility
Lofn Scandinavian goddess Love
Luamerava African goddess Sexual desire
Lulong Borneo goddess Love
Lutinus Roman god Fertility
Macha Irish goddess Fertility
Maia Roman goddess Fertility
Manannan Celtic god Fertility
Mariana Brazilian goddess Love
Matronit Spanish goddess Chastity/Promiscuity/Motherhood
Medb Celtic goddess Sexuality/Intoxication
Mens Roman goddess Menstruation
Mhaya Tanzania goddess Deserted lovers
Min Egyptian god Potency/Fertility
Morongo Zimbabwe goddess Love/Sexuality
Mot Canaanite god Fertility
Mut Egyptian goddess Fertility
Mylitta Babylonian goddess Fertility
Naamah Canaanite goddess Fertility/Sex
Nambi Masai goddess Love/Sexuality
Ndauthina Fijian god Adultery
Nehalennia Germanic goddess Fertility
Ninhursaga Sumerian goddess Fertility
Njord Norse god Fertility
Nu Wa Chinese goddess Marriage Arranger
Oba Yoruba goddess Protector of prostitutes
Odudua Yoruba goddess Fertility/Love
Oenghus Irish god Love
Ops Roman goddess Fertility
Oshun Ana Yoruba goddess Love
Osiris Egyptian god Fertility
Pachamama Incan goddess Fertility
Pacha Mama Aztec goddess Fertility
P'an Chin-lien Chinese goddess Brothels/Lasciviousness/Prostitution/Sex
Pantang Mayang Borneo goddess Love
Peko Estonian god Fertility
Prende Slavic goddess Love
Priapus Greek god Fertility
Pudicitia Roman goddess Modesty
Qadesh Syrian goddess Sacred Love, Pleasure
Qadshu Syrian goddess Fertility
Qetesh Egyptian goddess Fertility/Love/Beauty
Quan Yin Chinese goddess Fertility
Quetzalcoatl Aztec god Fertility
Rangda Balinese goddess Fertility/Sexuality/Lust
Rati Hindu/Balinese goddess Fertility/Love/Passion/Sex
Ratu-Mai-Mbula Fijian god Fertility
Rhea Greek goddess Fertility
Rod Slavic god Fertility
Satis Egyptian goddess Fertility
Selket Egyptian goddess Fertility
Sessrumnir Germanic goddess Fertility
Shiva Hindu god Fertility
Sif Norse goddess Fertility
Sjofn Norse goddess Love/Passion
Suadela Roman goddess Persuasion in Love
Sukkamielli Finnish goddess Frenzied love
Tagabayan Philippine goddess Adultery/Incest
Taka Rita Polynesian goddess Adultery
Tammuz Mesopotamian god Fertility
Tane Polynesian god Fertility
Taueret Egyptian goddess Fertility
Tellus Roman goddess Fertility
Tenye Te'en Nigerian goddess marital fidelity
Thalia Greek goddess Burlesque
Thunor Germanic god Fertility
Tlazolteotl Aztec goddess Love/Licentiousness/Sex
Tsilah Wedo Haitian goddess Beauty
Turan Etruscan goddess Love, Fertility
Ueuecoyotl Aztec god Fertility
Ursule Haitian goddess Love
Ururupuin Micronesian goddess flirting
Urvasi Hindu goddess Success in Love Affairs
Var Norse goddess Marriage Vows
Venus Roman goddess Love/Beauty
Vesta Roman goddess Marriage
Voluptas Roman goddess Sensual Pleasure
Xipe Totec Aztec goddess Fertility
Xochiquetzal Aztec goddess Fertility/Love/Sensual Pleasure/Sex
Xtabay Mayan goddesses Seduction
Yarilo Slavic god Fertility
Zizilia Polish goddess Love
Zoria Slavic goddess Beauty
The gentile religion has told its followers for ages that sex is wrong and evil, if it's not meant to reproduce, and that they'll burn in the fiery depths of hell and destruction. Hell, they even made Jesus into this sort of asexual man that had no interest in women, marriage, or reproducing. All he seemed interested in was his entourage of burly sweaty men following him around to spread his asexual and repressive religious message. Now don't get me wrong, I'm not here to Jesus bash or make you feel uncomfortable with my anti-religious rants. I'm just amazed at how the Gentile religion has systematically made us feel guilty about an emotion that is supposedly "God" given.
In other ancient religions that pre-date Christianity THOUSANDS of years, there were Gods and Goddesses that were worshiped and revered for their sexuality and sensuality. Gods and goddesses that had shrines and temples built in their honor.
There were Gods and goddesses that cured depression, loneliness, Haphephobia (The fear of being touched), and anxiety through sexual practices, techniques, movements, and Kundalini Energy. There were Goddesses that brought down entire empires and defeated armies with sex and seduction. Hell, even the mad Monk Rasputin was history making in this sexual exploits with the Romanov women, which ultimately brought down an entire family. Ok, maybe I'm giving you negative examples, but still- sex played a HUGE part in these History making moments!
Let's not forget about Aphrodite, the goddess of love, beauty and sexual rapture!
In honor of the great Ancient Gods and goddesses of sex and sexuality, I say:
Goddesses and Gods Love and Sexuality
By Temple of Love
There are countless deities associated with love and/or sexuality in every culture throughout history, here are some!
Name: Origin/ Attribute
Achtland Celtic goddess Wanton love
Aedos Roman goddess Modesty
Aeval Celtic goddess Sexual relations/Small size
Aidin Celtic goddess Love/Sexuality
Aine Irish goddess Fertility/Love
'Aisha Qandisha Morocco goddess Sexual activity
Ala Nigerian goddess Fertility/Morality
Alalahe Polynesian goddess Love
Al-Lat Arabic goddess Fertility/Procreation
AlpanAlpan Etruscan goddess Love
Ame-No-Uzume Japanese goddess Fertility
Amon Egyptian god Fertility
Amor Roman god Love
Anahita Persian goddess Fertility/Semen
Anath Canaanite goddess Love
Angus Og Irish god Love
Annallja Tu Bari Sudanese goddess Sexuality
Anna Perenna Etruscan goddess Reproduction/Wanton/Love
Anteros Greek god Love/Passion
Antheia Greek goddess Love, Flowers
Aphrodite Greek goddess Fertility/Sexual love/Beauty
Apis Egyptian god Fertility
Arianrhod Welsh goddess Fertility/Wanton love
Artemis Greek goddess Chastity/Virginity/Fertility
Asase Yaa Ashanti goddess Fertility
Asherali Canaanite goddess Fertility
Ashtoreth Phoenician goddess Fertility
Ashur Assyrian god Fertility
Astarte Phoenician goddess Fertility/Love/Sacred sexuality/Sex
Astlik Armenian goddess Love, Fertility
Astraea Greek goddess Modesty
Astrild Norse goddess Love
Athtart Canaanite goddess Fertility
Auseklis Latvian goddess Love
Baal Syrian/Canaanite god Fertility
Backlum Chaam Mayan god Male sexuality/Sex
Bangan Philippine goddess Love
Bastet Egyptian goddess Fertility/Love/Sex
Bau Sumerian goddess Fertility
Benten Japanese goddess Love
Bes Egyptian god Love/Marriage
Bidhgoe Celtic goddess Love/Sexuality
Bintang Borneo goddess Love
Boann Irish goddess Fertility
Brag-srin-mo Tibetan goddess Fertility
Brangwaine Welsh goddess Love
Branwen Irish goddess Love
Brigit Irish goddess Fertility
Ca-the-na Mohave goddess Love
Ceres Roman goddess Fertility
Cernunnos Celtic god Fertility
Cerridwen Celtic goddess Fertility
Chac Mayan god Fertility
Chalchiuhtlicue Aztec goddess Love/Beauty
Chicomecoatl Aztec goddess Fertility
Chou Wang Chinese god Sodomy
Cinteotl Aztec god Fertility
Conchenn Celtic goddess Love
Cotys Thracian goddess Fertility
Cupid Roman god Love
Cythera Greek/Cyprian goddess Love
Demeter Greek goddess Fertility
Diana Roman goddess Chastity/Virginity/Fertility
Dumuzi Babylonian god Fertility
Dzydzilelya Polish goddess Love
El Canaanite god Fertility
Enki Sumerian god Fertility
Eros Greek god Erotic love/Passion/Sex
Erzulie Voodoo goddess Fertility/Love/Virginity/Beauty/Sex
Eueucoyotl Aztec god Fertility/Sex
Ezili Fon goddess Beauty/Love
Faumea Polynesian goddess Fertility
Faunus Roman god Fertility
Finncaev Irish goddess Fair love
Flora Roman goddess Love/Prostitution
Frey Scandinavian god Fertility
Freya Germanic goddess Fertility/Love/Beauty/Sex
Freyr Norse goddess Fertility
Frigg Germanic goddess Fertility/Marriage
Gefjon Germanic goddess Fertility
Gekka-O Japanese god Marriage
Ghede Voodoo god Fertility/Love
Hathor Egyptian goddess Fertility/Love/Marriage/Beauty
Haumea Hawaiian goddess Fertility
Havea lolo fonua Polynesian goddess Intercourse
Hebe Greek goddess Beauty
Hecate Greek goddess Fertility
Hera Greek goddess Marriage/Motherhood
Hestia Greek goddess Marriage
Hina Hawaiian goddess Fertility
Hora Roman goddess Beauty
Hsi Shih Chinese goddess Face cream
Hymen Greek/Roman god Marriage/First love
Ichpuchtli Aztec goddess Lust/Pleasure
Inanna Mesopotamian goddess Fertility/Love
Indra Vedic god Fertility
Inemes Micronesian goddess Love/Sexuality
Ishkhara Babylonian goddess Love, Priestess of Ishtar
Ishtar Assyrian goddess Fertility/Love/Sex
Isis Egyptian goddess Fertility/Marital/Devotion/Motherhood
Ix Chel Mayan goddess Sexual relations
Juno Roman goddess Marriage/Motherhood
Kama Hindu god Love
Kane Hawaiian god Fertility
Kanikanihia Hawaiian goddess Love
Kapo Hawaiian goddess Abortions/Fertility
Ken Egyptian goddess Love
Khem Egyptian god Fertility
Kilya Inca goddess Marriage
Kishi-Mojin Japanese goddess Motherhood
Kokopell'Mana Hopi goddess Fertility
Korawini?i Paiute goddess Intercourse
Kupalo Slavic goddess Fertility/Sex
Kurukulla Tibetan goddess Love, Wealth
Lada Slavic goddess Love
Lakshmi Hindu goddess Love/Beauty
Lempo Finnish god Frenzied love
Liber Italian god Fertility
Lofn Scandinavian goddess Love
Luamerava African goddess Sexual desire
Lulong Borneo goddess Love
Lutinus Roman god Fertility
Macha Irish goddess Fertility
Maia Roman goddess Fertility
Manannan Celtic god Fertility
Mariana Brazilian goddess Love
Matronit Spanish goddess Chastity/Promiscuity/Motherhood
Medb Celtic goddess Sexuality/Intoxication
Mens Roman goddess Menstruation
Mhaya Tanzania goddess Deserted lovers
Min Egyptian god Potency/Fertility
Morongo Zimbabwe goddess Love/Sexuality
Mot Canaanite god Fertility
Mut Egyptian goddess Fertility
Mylitta Babylonian goddess Fertility
Naamah Canaanite goddess Fertility/Sex
Nambi Masai goddess Love/Sexuality
Ndauthina Fijian god Adultery
Nehalennia Germanic goddess Fertility
Ninhursaga Sumerian goddess Fertility
Njord Norse god Fertility
Nu Wa Chinese goddess Marriage Arranger
Oba Yoruba goddess Protector of prostitutes
Odudua Yoruba goddess Fertility/Love
Oenghus Irish god Love
Ops Roman goddess Fertility
Oshun Ana Yoruba goddess Love
Osiris Egyptian god Fertility
Pachamama Incan goddess Fertility
Pacha Mama Aztec goddess Fertility
P'an Chin-lien Chinese goddess Brothels/Lasciviousness/Prostitution/Sex
Pantang Mayang Borneo goddess Love
Peko Estonian god Fertility
Prende Slavic goddess Love
Priapus Greek god Fertility
Pudicitia Roman goddess Modesty
Qadesh Syrian goddess Sacred Love, Pleasure
Qadshu Syrian goddess Fertility
Qetesh Egyptian goddess Fertility/Love/Beauty
Quan Yin Chinese goddess Fertility
Quetzalcoatl Aztec god Fertility
Rangda Balinese goddess Fertility/Sexuality/Lust
Rati Hindu/Balinese goddess Fertility/Love/Passion/Sex
Ratu-Mai-Mbula Fijian god Fertility
Rhea Greek goddess Fertility
Rod Slavic god Fertility
Satis Egyptian goddess Fertility
Selket Egyptian goddess Fertility
Sessrumnir Germanic goddess Fertility
Shiva Hindu god Fertility
Sif Norse goddess Fertility
Sjofn Norse goddess Love/Passion
Suadela Roman goddess Persuasion in Love
Sukkamielli Finnish goddess Frenzied love
Tagabayan Philippine goddess Adultery/Incest
Taka Rita Polynesian goddess Adultery
Tammuz Mesopotamian god Fertility
Tane Polynesian god Fertility
Taueret Egyptian goddess Fertility
Tellus Roman goddess Fertility
Tenye Te'en Nigerian goddess marital fidelity
Thalia Greek goddess Burlesque
Thunor Germanic god Fertility
Tlazolteotl Aztec goddess Love/Licentiousness/Sex
Tsilah Wedo Haitian goddess Beauty
Turan Etruscan goddess Love, Fertility
Ueuecoyotl Aztec god Fertility
Ursule Haitian goddess Love
Ururupuin Micronesian goddess flirting
Urvasi Hindu goddess Success in Love Affairs
Var Norse goddess Marriage Vows
Venus Roman goddess Love/Beauty
Vesta Roman goddess Marriage
Voluptas Roman goddess Sensual Pleasure
Xipe Totec Aztec goddess Fertility
Xochiquetzal Aztec goddess Fertility/Love/Sensual Pleasure/Sex
Xtabay Mayan goddesses Seduction
Yarilo Slavic god Fertility
Zizilia Polish goddess Love
Zoria Slavic goddess Beauty
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