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Nothing bothers me more than to recommend an escort to one of my lovely clients, and then have him tell me later that he didn’t enjoy his time with her. When asked what it was about her service that he didn’t like, he just said, and I quote “She wasn’t into it”. Now, there is a thin line between not being “into” a client, and not being “into” giving your services. And being that I’m a consummate professional, I will always put on my happy face even when a client pisses me off or repulses me.
This is what we do as escorts, we charge $200 and up an hour to make our clients feel loved, welcomed, and satisfied. And if there’s something about him that bothers you like his behavior, body odor, or whatever; you talk to him about it first and make it better. If all else fails then you stop seeing his ass. It’s that simple!
If my client has sweaty balls or is obnoxious, I nip that shit in the bud before I nip him in the bud. But it seems that the client wasn’t this particular escort’s problem. The problem was, her ass doesn’t need to be escorting anymore. I’ve seen it time and time again, how escorts hate what they do. I know an escort personally who referrers to her clients as “tricks”. Who the hell uses that terminology except old run down gutter ass street walkers, or broke escorts.
Then you have the unreasonable girls who get all angry over the simplest little petty things, like answering questions or giving references or help to other females. That’s silly playground nonsense. Escorts are starting to nitpick, whine and black list guys over arriving 10 minutes late, or honest mistakes like shorting you $10.
If you had a long time client for years, why the hell would you be upset over $10 if it was an honest mistake? When I saw that alert on one of these national DO NOT SERVE listing boards, I laughed my ass off. Then she went on to say that the client made good on the $10.00, but she still blacklisted him. You can’t be pissed at an honest mistake. If the client didn’t mean to short you, and quickly makes good on the mistake, it’s dropped and over, and I’ll see you next week. FUCK!
I guess for some girl it isn’t like that, they need that measly $10.
God help me if I ever become that pressed for cash!
This is what we do as escorts, we charge $200 and up an hour to make our clients feel loved, welcomed, and satisfied. And if there’s something about him that bothers you like his behavior, body odor, or whatever; you talk to him about it first and make it better. If all else fails then you stop seeing his ass. It’s that simple!
If my client has sweaty balls or is obnoxious, I nip that shit in the bud before I nip him in the bud. But it seems that the client wasn’t this particular escort’s problem. The problem was, her ass doesn’t need to be escorting anymore. I’ve seen it time and time again, how escorts hate what they do. I know an escort personally who referrers to her clients as “tricks”. Who the hell uses that terminology except old run down gutter ass street walkers, or broke escorts.
Then you have the unreasonable girls who get all angry over the simplest little petty things, like answering questions or giving references or help to other females. That’s silly playground nonsense. Escorts are starting to nitpick, whine and black list guys over arriving 10 minutes late, or honest mistakes like shorting you $10.
If you had a long time client for years, why the hell would you be upset over $10 if it was an honest mistake? When I saw that alert on one of these national DO NOT SERVE listing boards, I laughed my ass off. Then she went on to say that the client made good on the $10.00, but she still blacklisted him. You can’t be pissed at an honest mistake. If the client didn’t mean to short you, and quickly makes good on the mistake, it’s dropped and over, and I’ll see you next week. FUCK!
I guess for some girl it isn’t like that, they need that measly $10.
God help me if I ever become that pressed for cash!
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