Providing the little extras for Loyal Clients!

What is a “Regular“ Client?

Should you offer special rates or discounts to these clients?

To me, a regular client is someone I see once every 2-3 weeks. 

A Repeat Client is someone I see 4-6 times per year.

A Return client is someone I have seen maybe once before. 

If you want to offer special rates, that is up to you. I offer a discounted rate to regular clients  to show some love and appreciation for their loyalty.

Providing the Little Extras

I have a few extra things I always do for clients that not only show that I am professional, but I care about my clients to. Most of them have been woven into the previous blogs; but to summarize and add a few:

1.      Provide water for clients, hydration is very important during and after sessions. I always offer bottled water to my clients to take home with them. You can also have wine for them at your incall.

2.      Provide Hot Showers.  Most men will come to me while they are on their lunch break or on their way home.  A shower will help them wash away any evidence that they've been with a sex worker.

3.      Nice towels. You don’t have to buy them at Macy’s, but you need good towels. And don’t let them get raggedy. I replace my towels 3 – 4 times per year. I wash them in hot water and don’t use fabric softener. The stuff is toxic and the perfumes and chemicals stay in forever. Towels especially, they are highly absorbent.

4.      Always use clean sheets. Don’t recycle them for other clients; part of being a masseuse is laundry. We do a lot; it is part of our job description. Yep it sucks. Also, sheets get oily and funky over time. So replace them as they get crappy.

5.      Confirm your appointments before you provide your incall location, give clear instructions on how to enter and exit so that clients don’t call attention to themselves or to you. 
6.      Watch the traffic in and out too. Having your client bring a portfolio and leave with a manila envelope works well. It looks businesslike and professional. I like manila envelopes with old mag pages in it. The client can toss folder later. 

Lastly, have fun and make your money! 

That’s why we do this!!


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