The Art of Intimidation for Growth...
A great thinker once said that if you are the smartest or most successful person in your circle of friends, then your crowd is too low.
If you are the only one that everyone comes to for help and answers, then your crowd is too low. And before you know it, your mental and psychological growth will become stunted because these people suck away your life force. We all have friends in our inner circle that sucks the life right out of us, because they need so much fucking help ALL THE TIME.
That’s why I’ve decided to cut many of my life draining friends, and start hanging with people who intimidate me.
-Financially independent people
-Skinny people
-Attractive people
-Smart people
-Confident people
-Great thinkers
-Brilliant people
-Happy people
We all need friends who intimidate us because it gives us that competitive edge. If all you hang around is people who have less than you do and complain 24/7, then you are truly missing out on surrounding yourself with people who possess tenacity, goals, and an unwavering desire to make their mark on the world. Ambition is contagious.
*Remember the saying*
Iron sharpens Iron and Great thinkers sharpen Great thinkers!
If you are the only one that everyone comes to for help and answers, then your crowd is too low. And before you know it, your mental and psychological growth will become stunted because these people suck away your life force. We all have friends in our inner circle that sucks the life right out of us, because they need so much fucking help ALL THE TIME.
That’s why I’ve decided to cut many of my life draining friends, and start hanging with people who intimidate me.
-Financially independent people
-Skinny people
-Attractive people
-Smart people
-Confident people
-Great thinkers
-Brilliant people
-Happy people
We all need friends who intimidate us because it gives us that competitive edge. If all you hang around is people who have less than you do and complain 24/7, then you are truly missing out on surrounding yourself with people who possess tenacity, goals, and an unwavering desire to make their mark on the world. Ambition is contagious.
*Remember the saying*
Iron sharpens Iron and Great thinkers sharpen Great thinkers!
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