Street Prostitutes...
I have to admit; the street side of prostitution is a totally different world from the world I’m in, and no matter how hard I try to make escorts and street hookers have commonality, the truth is, our worlds are totally different.
Everything except the sex part is foreign to me.
Everything about that world is different from mine. Even the men are different in a creepy kind of way. And because the men are creepy, the prostitutes tend to be equally as creepy. The “Track” is a known breeding ground for an endless parade of imbalanced human beings. Addictions run rampant on both sides of the spectrum, the prostitutes are addicted to drugs and the Tricks are addicted to the cheap pussy.
This is where substance abuse also comes into play. Most street prostitutes will do drugs to numb themselves or for physical endurance. Not to mention the “Track” is usually in the most impoverished areas of whatever cities they are in, so there is this lethal combination of ghetto surrounding, poverty, creepy men, Law Enforcement, ruthless pimps, crime, and dope. So YEAH these bitches are bound to be CRAZY. It’s inevitable.
Even the lingo is quite different.
Renegade - A prostitute without a Pimp
Out of pocket - A prostitute who is disrespectful or disobedient
Trick - The Male Customer
John - The male Customer
Bottom Bitch – A prostitute who’s been with a particular pimp the longest and makes the most money
Knocking – When a pimp takes a prostitute from another pimp
Choosing fee – The down payment a prostitute pays before she works with a pimp
Choosing – When the prostitute chooses a Pimp
Wife- in- laws – Two prostitutes under the same pimp
Folks – Pimps
Snow bunny – White female prostitute
Meat Cleaver – Black female Prostitute
Everything except the sex part is foreign to me.
Everything about that world is different from mine. Even the men are different in a creepy kind of way. And because the men are creepy, the prostitutes tend to be equally as creepy. The “Track” is a known breeding ground for an endless parade of imbalanced human beings. Addictions run rampant on both sides of the spectrum, the prostitutes are addicted to drugs and the Tricks are addicted to the cheap pussy.
This is where substance abuse also comes into play. Most street prostitutes will do drugs to numb themselves or for physical endurance. Not to mention the “Track” is usually in the most impoverished areas of whatever cities they are in, so there is this lethal combination of ghetto surrounding, poverty, creepy men, Law Enforcement, ruthless pimps, crime, and dope. So YEAH these bitches are bound to be CRAZY. It’s inevitable.
Even the lingo is quite different.
Renegade - A prostitute without a Pimp
Out of pocket - A prostitute who is disrespectful or disobedient
Trick - The Male Customer
John - The male Customer
Bottom Bitch – A prostitute who’s been with a particular pimp the longest and makes the most money
Knocking – When a pimp takes a prostitute from another pimp
Choosing fee – The down payment a prostitute pays before she works with a pimp
Choosing – When the prostitute chooses a Pimp
Wife- in- laws – Two prostitutes under the same pimp
Folks – Pimps
Snow bunny – White female prostitute
Meat Cleaver – Black female Prostitute
The Track, Blade, Ho stroll - The Street that the prostitute works on
Player - A man who isn’t necessarily a Pimp but he has girls that gives him money and gifts
Mack – A man who manipulates women to do whatever he desires
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