The Newbies Handbook in time for Valentines Day
I am by far the nicest prostitute that a man will ever meet. I'm kind, giving, funny, and very helpful when need be. But let me set the record straight. A newbie can sometimes make the nicest escort want to choke the hell out of him. So to make the newbies first experience with a prostitute more enjoyable, I have compiled a list of things that a newbie should know and follow to make his first "Ho" experience more enjoyable.
Fist things first, do your homework! This is by far the most important advice that I can give you. And I know it may be time consuming, especially if you're out of town, in a hotel room, and want to get laid like right NOW. What the newbie must realize is that by not taking the time to do your homework, you could be inviting someone into your space that's as undesirable as Bubba the sissy from the county jail. So do your homework!
Read reviews. Every well known escort has them. The two main review boards in the World are and
Since it's your first encounter, I would HIGHLY recommend that you seek out established girls and stay the hell away from Craigslist. I know sometimes you're in a money crunch and your balls are filled with semen, but trust me on this one. Look for the girls with the good reputations. It's always better to be safe than sorry.
Almost 100% of providers require that potential clients have references, and this is where your charm needs to kick in. Before you go cold calling prostitutes trying to score a date with your newbie status, I suggest that you sign up for a pre-screening services such as
After you've signed up, make sure to keep your information handy such as your Roomservice and Datecheck ID. When you email the escort, be sure to have this information handy and include it in your correspondence with her. REMEMBER, she is risking a LOT by being an escort, so it is her JOB to tell you NO if for some reason she doesn't feel comfortable doing business with you. Make sure that your email correspondence is as polite, professional and informative as possible. Being crude or vulgar makes you look like a retard, so refrain from using phrases like "What do you have open today besides those legs"? Never try to be cute or humorous because it can go over disastrously. I have found that many escorts are not interested in your humor as a newbie.
If by the grace of God she accepts your appointment request without references, ALWAYS remember to be on your best behavior. Don't make her go on all the private escorting forums telling us how she hates newbies.
Last but not least, have fun and be safe!
Happy Valentines Day!
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