Birthday Boobies and Happy Thanksgiving

I just wanted to take a moment to say THANK YOU for all the Birthday wishes via email, text, calls, cards, and all the social media sites that I use.
You guys are AWESOME!!

This Birthday was probably one of the best Birthdays that I've had in many years, and I felt FABULOUS!  The day started out with gifts, cards and cupcakes from my patients and coworkers, then afterwards my coworkers and I enjoyed dinner and wine at the Grafton Winery.  While we were there the band sung Happy Birthday to me and a few people bought me bottles of wine which was awesome.  This day was so GREAT and I felt like a queen! 

THANK YOU guys again for making my day so special.

I also wanted to wish everyone and their families a Happy Thanksgiving. I have a couple days off next week for the Holiday and initially wanted to see clients on those days, but I decided to just spend it with my family instead.
The week after the Holiday will be back to normal and I’ll be seeing clients on Friday from 10am-2pm.

Love you guys and see you next week!


ALSO be sure to visit my other sites....


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